Hello lovely human who found this page,
we are the Working Group for Gender Equality of the Fachschaft Politik (your student representation as a student of political science). Our goal is it to support and inform about Gender Equality at the University, the Institute and the Students.
We meet every Wednesday at 6.30pm in the Room U7 in the Institut for political science. You need nothing to come, just be a kind human being. We discuss topics like Feminism, Sexism, Inclusion, Intersectionality and many more. We plan events, discussions, informative material and so on.
You can find us on Instagram: @politisch_feministisch
or you can write us an E-Mail: akGleichstellung_PoWi@gmx.de
This is a Collection of Helpful Links:
Equal Opportunities Officer of the Institute for Political Science: Maike Messerschmidt M.A., Tel. 07071 – 297 31 75, E-Mail maike.messerschmidt@ifp.uni-tuebingen.de
Psychotherapy Office for Students from the Studierendenwerk: https://www.my-stuwe.de/beratung-soziales/psychotherapeutische-beratung/